Collection: Mallory McIntyre
1. What do you do when you’re not making art? (Day job etc...).
My day job is running Broom Closet Art, where I create and sell my paintings. When I'm not painting, I'm often creating other forms of art, reading, or studying various subjects. I work from home, and there are days when I focus solely on promoting my business and Paint Therapy Classes. I also volunteer as the Vice President of Operations for the local Chamber of Commerce, where I help foster a vibrant, creative community.
2. Why do you make art?
As someone legally blind due to retinitis pigmentosa, a progressive degenerative eye condition, painting is my sanctuary. My vision is limited, resembling what it would look like for someone to see through a cone. Art allows me to express emotions, release visions, and find peace. It also provides me with extra income and endless possibilities for creative exploration. Painting is not just a hobby; it's a vital part of my life.
3. What inspires you?
I'm inspired by the spiritual and mystical realms, often painting beings and landscapes that evoke these themes. Each piece is a journey of self-discovery, with every detail holding meaning and connecting to the whole. I find joy in exploring new techniques and incorporating them into my work, making each painting a unique reflection of my inner world.
4. What/who are your influences?
My influences include the spiritual visions and ideas that come to me, as well as the support and encouragement from my family and friends. I love learning from other artists and experimenting with new techniques to see what resonates with me. The journey of artistic growth and the continuous learning process are significant influences on my work.
5. If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be?
Amelia Earhart – her pioneering spirit and determination to break boundaries resonate deeply with me.