Welcome to AllArtWorks Featured Artist Series!
1. What other profession is similar to being an artist and why?
None. Artists are their own. It’s a gift to be able to see and feel things in a way to create and convey.
2. What’s the nicest thing you can remember someone said about your work, or an individual piece?
I did a commission piece. They sent a picture of it above there fireplace and said: love love love love! Can’t beat that!
3. What’s one thing you’d like everyone to know about you as an artist?
I love to keep learning and changing.

4. What was the last piece of art that you saw that blew you away?
It was an abstract painting but I don’t know who painted it.
5. What’s something you haven’t done but you want to do in art/painting?
I haven’t done a portrait. That’s on my list to learn.
Ingres, the style, his drawings. I connect more.
*The reason we ask about Delacroix and Ingres is because they were contemporaries with wildly different styles!