Welcome to AllArtWorks Featured Artist Series!
1. What other profession is similar to being an artist and why?
Cooking and Accounting: Both professions have many unusual and interesting ways to express one’s creativity.
2. What’s the nicest thing you can remember someone said about your work, or an individual piece?
I’ll buy that piece.
3. What’s one thing you’d like everyone to know about you as an artist?
Art allows me to live within the illusion that I control the painting.
4. What was the last piece of art that you saw that blew you away?
It was Temporary Art. I saw it on TV, CBS Sunday Morning. The artist created these large temporary stone mosaics on the beach during low tide. I mean huge incredible tapestry type displays and when the tide came in the water washed them away. The impermanence of every thing in life was appreciated and respected.
5. What’s something you haven’t done but you want to do in art/painting?
Paint abstract art on pottery. Particularly 18” to 36” tall vases.
I don’t know enough about either one of them to make a comment. I had to google them and of course some of their paintings were familiar to me, but their names never were.
*The reason we ask about Delacroix and Ingres is because they were contemporaries with wildly different styles!