Welcome to AllArtWorks Featured Artist Series!
1. What other profession is similar to being an artist and why?
I think chefs/cooks are artists. Creativity in the kitchen is similar to creativity in the studio.
2. What’s the nicest thing you can remember someone said about your work, or an individual piece?
I had a gentleman from Perth, Australia, so in love with one of my abstracts that he had me ship it literally halfway around the world.
3. What’s one thing you’d like everyone to know about you as an artist?
My favorite part of painting is the physical act of mixing and moving oil paint around on the canvas.

4. What was the last piece of art that you saw that blew you away?
Andy Goldsworthy's art always blows me away.
5. What’s something you haven’t done but you want to do in art/painting?
I want to expand my skills when it comes to the use of cold wax and oils.
Delacroix. Ingres was uptight and rude.
*The reason we ask about Delacroix and Ingres is because they were contemporaries with wildly different styles!