Welcome to AllArtWorks Featured Artist Series!
1. What other profession is similar to being an artist and why?
Any profession that shares and cares from within and a spirit of oneself is revealed through a means of communication. These are the other professions: teaching, preaching, being a singer, or actor. An artist works and lives from the heart.
2. What’s the nicest thing you can remember someone said about your work, or an individual piece?
The nicest thing someone said to me about my art was that a collage piece I did of “The Milk Woman“ by Vermeer was the best piece in the entire art show.
3. What’s one thing you’d like everyone to know about you as an artist?
As an artist I would like people to know that I’d often rather paint then eat, my favorite comfort place is my studio, I never feel sad or alone while painting, and without art I’d feel alone, lost and sad.

4. What was the last piece of art that you saw that blew you away?
The art that overwhelmed me was a beautiful painting by Doug Walton that now hangs over his door entree of his home.
5. What’s something you haven’t done but you want to do in art/painting?
What I still want to do is: paint a gigantic master piece, a mural on my garage door, and paint portraits of Melania and Donald Trump.
I like Ingres best because I love portraits and close ups of people more then complex compositions of people.
*The reason we ask about Delacroix and Ingres is because they were contemporaries with wildly different styles!