Collection: Daniel Arnold


1. What do you do when you’re not making art? (Day job etc...).

I have three boys, we spend lots of time wrestling on the trampoline, sailing, biking and making crafts. During the day I am an Account Manager / Sales at a company that makes Prototypes and provides engineering services called Broadview Product Development.

2. Why do you make art?

I make art as a form of meditation and to explore the craft of developing mastery. I love that I can learn so much each time I paint.

3. What inspires you?

Inspiration comes from so many different sources, I am usually compelled to take on a challenge that is outside of my comfort zone and work through it.

4. What/who are your influences?

My mom is a great influence for me, she is a watercolor painter and has been a great resource throughout my artistic journey.

5. If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be?

I'd love to meet Vladimir Volegov and Peter Birkhäuser.