Collection: Roberta Ann Busard


1. What do you do when you’re not making art? (Day job etc...).

Looking... For the poetic. For unexpected humor. At design. And then, you might also find me in my writing room, or making Thai food in my kitchen, or listening to basketballs being thumped down the street in the late afternoon and wondering what's in the heads of those boys...

2. Why do you make art?

Beauty. Humor. Joy. Meaning. I dance with these things. They seem to like to dance with me too.

3. What inspires you?

Lake Michigan. Waves. Mona Lake. Wind moving across the water when it's still, like glass, just before a storm strikes, and in the trees, talking. Quiet, where I can process. Science fiction that explores life and meaning. Philosophy. Dreams. Love...

4. What/who are your influences?

Victor AS Robinson, Victor Hugo, my Mom, my brother Tom, Modigliani, African Art, Carl Jung, Gilda Radner, Margaret Mead, Robert Motherwell...

5. If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be?

God. I have some questions...